Saturday, June 30, 2018

Exetcises 2

Nama              : Ludfi Satria N
Kelas              : 4KA23
Npm                : 16114146


114.1   In this exercise you have to complete the sentences. Each time use at, on, or in with one of the phrases from the box

1.      Columbus discovered America in the 15th century
2.      The first man landed on the moon on 21 July 1969.
3.      In britain football matches are usually played on saturdays
4.      You can see the stars at night if the sky is clear.
5.      In britain children have to start school at the age of five.
6.      Jazz become popular in the united states in the 1920s.
7.      Its difficult to listen when everyone is speaking at the same time.
8.      The russian revolution took place in 1917.
9.      Tom isn’t here in about five minutes. He’ll be back at the moment.

114.2   Put in the correct proportions : at, in, on.                                                                  Examples : The concerts starts at 7.45. I learnt to drive in four weeks.
1.      The course begins on 7 January and ends on 10 March.
2.      I went to bed at midnight and got up            at 6.30 in the morning.
3.      We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived at 5 o’clock in the morning.
4.      Mozart was born in salzsburg in 1756.
5.      Are you doing anything special at the weekend?
6.      Hurry up! We’ve got to go at five minutes.
7.      I haven’t seen Ann for a few days. I last saw her on Tuesday.
8.      I’ll phone you on Tuesday morning at about 10 o’clock, okay?
9.      I might not be at home in the morning. Can you phone at afternoon instead?
10.  Tom’s grandmother died in 1977 at the age of 79.
11.  Jack’s brother is an engineer but he’s out of work at the moment.
12.  The price of electricity is going up on October.
13.  On Sunday afternoons I usually go for a walk in the country.
14.  There are usually a lot of parties at New Years Eve.
15.  I like walking round the town            at night. It’s always so peaceful.
16.  Do you fancy going to the cinema on Friday night?
17.  Tom doesn’t see his parents very often these day usually only at Christmast and sometimes in the summer for a few days.
18.  I’ve been invited to wedding on 14 February.
19.  Im just going out to do some shopping. I’ll be back in half an hour.
20.  Carol got married at 17, which is rather young to get married.
21.  Ann works hard during the week, so she likes to relax at the week-ends.
22.  It was quiet short book and easy to read. I read it in a day.
23.  The telephone and the doorbell rang at the same time.
24.  Mary and Henry always go out for a meal at their wedding anniversary.
25.  Mr.Davis is 63. He’ll be retiring from his job in two years time.

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