Wednesday, May 2, 2018


KELAS            : 4KA23
NPM                : 16114146

1.      MONDAY
·         Wake up early.
·         Start your day with prayer.
·         Drinks a cup of tea.
·         Listening to music.
·         Get ready to college
·         Make and stay focused on your “To-do-lists”.
·         Hang out with some friends.
2.      TUESDAY
·         Wake up early.
·         Start your day with prayer.
·         Think like a winner, speak like a winner, and walk like a winner.
·         Move your body and do some exercise.
·         Drink mineral water.
·         Listening to music
·         Set your alarm clock to remind you when it's time to start on your task.
·         Never sleep in the early morning.
·         Wake up early.
·         Start your day with prayer.
·         Get ready to college
·         Lunch healthy food
·         Watching news on television
·         Listening to music
·         Watch football match until overslept
4.      THURSDAY
·         Wake up early.
·         Start your day with prayer.
·         Be cheerful and hopeful.
·         Give yourself a pep talk, and tell yourself that you are awesome.
·         Get ready to college
·         Lunch healthy food
·         Watching news on television
·         Listening to music
·         Watch some educated videos on youtube.
5.      FRIDAY
·         Wake up early.
·         Start your day with prayer
·         Breakfast with healty food.
·         Have realistic expectations. Know yourself and how far you can go.
·         Watch news on television.
·         Prepare for Friday prayer.
·         Hangout with some good friends.
·         sleep
6.      SATURDAY
·         Wake up early
·         Start your day with prayer.
·         Drink coffee to boost your mood.
·         Listening music.
·         Take a break to get some rest and recharge your mind.
·         Hangout with friends.
·         Watch football match.
7.      SUNDAY
·         Wake up early.
·         Start your day with prayer.
·         Try something new.
·         Start exercising, and you'll feel like yourself
·         Breakfast with healthy food.
·         Watch news on television.
·         Hangout with family.
·         Listening to music.

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